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Discord install from scrash tar.gz

 Discord client in Fedora from tar.gz

 Multiple times when a version comes out of Discord again we have problems that do not run in our distro and maybe my problem can help others. When installing the new version of Discord.

Install Discord APPS from scrach

  1.  Open terminal and type:
    sudo dnf install libcxx libcxxabi -y

    This step install library libcxx* necesari for use discord.

  2. Download discord actual version (64-bit Linux required)

  3. Use my browser to download correct files in this case.
    • cd ~/Download/
    • mkdir -p ~/.local/{lib,bin}
    • tar xvf discord-0.0.24.tar.gz  -C ~/.local/lib
    • ln -s ~/.local/lib/Discord/Discord ~/.local/bin/Discord
    • ln -s ~/.local/lib/Discord/discord.png ~/.local/share/icons
    • sed 's|/usr/share/discord/Discord|$HOME/.local/bin/Discord|' ~/.local/lib/Discord/discord.desktop > ~/.local/share/applications/discord.desktop

  4. Lunch Discord

  5.  sudo dnf install alacarte.noarch


You will find the main menu entries under /home/.local/share/applications. Note that the “.local” folder is hidden so you have to enable the “show hidden files” option in your File Manager to see it. This folder contains the .desktop files that you installed as a user. For the software that was installed by the administrator, the corresponding .desktop files are found in /usr/share/applications. To make changes on this location you will need to open your file manager as the root user. To do this, open a terminal and type: “sudo nautilus” and hit enter (replace “nautilus” with the name of your file manager if you're using something else).


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